Saturday, April 6, 2013

4 Of The Best Ways To Increase Your Metabolism and Transform Your Body Into a Fat Burning Machine

By Paul Stephen Nicholls

One of the most effective ways to help burn off unwanted fat is through increasing your metabolism. Of course some people find this easier than others, yet there are certain things you can do which can increase your metabolism effectively. In this article we look at four of the best way to increase your metabolism.

Way 1 - Increase How Much You Eat

We don't mean increasing your calorie intake but rather you should eat more regularly. Instead of consuming 3 large meals each day you should opt to go for 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day. Whenever you eat your body will undertake a process known as dietary thermogenesis and it will use up calories you have eaten in order to help the body digest food. This particular process accounts for about 10% of all calories we burn each day, so of course eating regularly will help to increase this figure.

Way 2 - Have Breakfast Every Day

Whilst asleep the body goes into what is known as starvation mode and so the best way to increase your metabolism is by eating breakfast each morning. If you think like others that missing breakfast is a great way to lose weight then think again it will in fact cause you to put on more weight, as your metabolism will become much slower. If you can consume foods high in protein but low in fat as protein is filling.

Way 3 - Increase Muscle Mass

If you increase muscle mass you will find that your metabolism is much higher because it needs the body to provide them with energy to work effectively. Therefore to increase muscle mass make sure that 2 or 3 of your workouts each week involve some form of resistance training in them. In no time at all you will start to see those extra pounds gained begin to disappear.

Way 4 - Enjoy Hot Food

Foods that contain chilli in them are very good as this particular food contains an ingredient known as capsicum. Capsicum contains a property that causes the body's temperature to rise and so forces it to start the process known as dietary thermogenesis to take place. As a best way to increase your metabolism it is best if at all possible to eat chillies in their natural form. However you could also take it in supplemental form as well but be aware that the cost of purchasing such products is high.

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